Wants to deliver goods able to fulfil contractual quality and delivered on time.
Will use high-technology machinery able to contribute to quality, delivery on time and competitive prices.
Has a certified management system, and maintains certification according to ISO9001.
Will consistently enhance and improve its management system, and efficiency.
Will enhance the competences and skills of its workforce through education and training.
Working environment policy
TORA will:
Always comply with Danish law and rules concerning the working environment.
Prevent work-related injuries and illness through a proactive working environment.
Actively work for continuous improvement of the working environment within the company, including via an active Workplace Evaluation/reporting system, plus annual Employee Performance Reviews (EPS).
Maintain a working environment which safeguards the physical and mental health of our employees.
Always ensure that employees have access to proper protection against any risk at work.
Fulfil and maintain OHSAS18001:2008 (ISO45001) occupational health and safety standard certification.
Environmental policy
TORA will:
Always comply with Danish law, rules and regulatory requirements concerning the environment.
Seek to recycle as much waste as possible through sorting and orderliness.
Evaluate and minimise the consumption of energy and water, along with monitoring air pollution.
Ensure monitoring and correct handling of all waste via agreement with the contractors that collect it, or depots receiving it.
Always use the most eco-friendly materials.
Ensure through consultation with our suppliers that they also use the most eco-friendly materials.
Maintain our own material "blacklist", that will apply to TORA and our suppliers.
Fulfil and maintain ISO14001:2008 (ISO45001) environmental management standard certification.
Train and motivate our workforce in eco-friendly behaviour, and ensure continuous improvement of environmental aspects.
Generally seek to protect the environment as far as possible, and to fulfil our own environmental targets.
CSR - our corporate social responsibility
uses standard employment contracts with fixed working hours and notice terms. Overtime working at TORA is only permitted by agreement and always with payment.
Does not accept child labour, neither in our own production facilities nor in those of suppliers at home and abroad.
Works proactively to train apprentices within our field of expertise
Is prepared to create 'flexjobs' to help people who may otherwise struggle to find gainful employment
Encourages and contributes to social activities at work
Does not accept any form of corruption and/or bribery. Neither internally at TORA, nor externally in Denmark or abroad. Failure to observe the above represents grounds for immediate dismissal.